Will I ever find love? And why can't I find love? Are perhaps two of the most commonly asked questions by human beings not already in a loving and nurturing relationship. Here is where you can ultimately answer both questions!
The same goes with negative questions. If you ask yourself questions like "Why can't I find love?" or "Why am I single?" your subconscious mind will again go and find the answers for you. These are not nice answers either! Things such as "You sabotage relationships.", "You're too fat!", "You can't commit." and so on... Your brain MUST come up with an answer for you!
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Not pleasant but that's how it works. You then keep going through the same patterns time after time, potential relationship after potential relationship.
So what really is the problem? Are you too ugly? No way! Way more physically challenged people than you have managed to find love!:) Do you have a bad job? Do you smoke? Do you drive a crappy car? Are you too poor? Are you too tall, short, wide, thin?! Are you too successful or not successful enough? Do you stutter? Are you an amputee? Is your skin bad? Do you have a funny accent or a lisp? And the reasons people give themselves for not being able to find love goes on and on and on.
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The thing is that all the "reasons" above plus the thousands more are all DEAD WRONG! Yep! Every single one of them.
Unless you are the only one on a deserted island or in some other solitary confinement there is only one reason why you are yet to find love! You are not emotionally open to finding love. Simple as that.
Gaining insight into what you need can help you start to find love now. After all, you need to know what exactly you want!
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